Princess Leia Gone Bad

Princess Leia Gone Bad

After intense kinky scenes I always just want to chug Gatorade before cuddling up to some crime documentaries. Bodies as a whole are interesting to me, not just the exterior but what goes on in people’s minds. I’ve always gravitated to documentaries and books about drugs addicts, serial killers, cult leaders…you know, the best kind of people (obviously). The connections between their formative years and their current life are indeniable, and I think that’s super interesting. It’s crazy to see how something terrible can happen to someone and people in their life don’t even take note, only for it to root itself into their life later on. I love psychological thrillers and scary movies, too. Instead of looking into other people’s minds they really get into yours and give you those adrenaline rushes I love so much. Experimenting with sex and my limits gives me a rush, too, but something more sexy and less scary. It’s like your body has never felt that way before, so you push the limit and it reacts in a nice way. I was never one for pushing limits or doing anything too risky while I was living at home, but once I got out I knew I was free to do whatever I wanted. I just wanted to be happy, so I started camming. Now I’m making videos, going to shoots, living on my own, and just overall living a nice life. I feel pretty spoiled for a 19 year old! I do my best to stay humble though, staying connected to other people is a priority for me. My best friend Violet said she was nervous to talk to me at first, with me being dressed like a punk with a septum piercing, but I’m just a big softy once you get to know me. I love puppies, tea, cute lacey lingerie, thigh high socks…if it’s cute or smart, I’ll probably eat it up.

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