Hi people, I’m 18 and 3/4 years old, I live in Tennessee, a small town, a very small town. My job is at a pizza joint and I’m a cashier, pizza baker and everything else they need me to do. I live with my mom and stepdad but I really want to move out. Its not easy because you need money to move out and a job in the city and its just not possible right now. I told my parents I’m visiting a friend in Florida. If they ask any more than that I will show them the safe looking modeling pictures and say that I did some fashion shoots. I did a few runway things when I was 14 or 15 and some bikini shoots recently. Its crazy to think that I’m doing this porno and getting naked in front of a complete stranger. He turned out to be very cute with nice muscles and after we fucked I wasnt as anxious anymore. Now I wish I could have stayed longer because two days with him isnt enough. Im not sure what part of the shoots I like the most but the toothbrush vibrator is a lot of fun. I dont know why but I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that people are going to see me doing these things on the net. Seeing my body and down there up close is all new to me. I had fun and got to see many new things and a beautiful place and eat good food. The photographer made me feel sexy and thought I was attractive which is nice. My ex boyfriend maybe said I’m pretty twice in my whole relationship with him. I’ve never been with an older guy maybe they just treat you nicer than guys my age.